
Constant Giving

I learned something I already knew last Monday! (And you already know it too, but it bears repeating so I'm gonna remind you anyway *bwah ha ha!* *winks*) 
My parents had been out a lot that day—spending time with each other and running errands—so Joseph and I were “in charge” while they were gone. I had a very busy day--a day leaving me with very little “me time”. My goals for that day? Well, they didn’t get done… exactly
After dragging myself out of bed and eating breakfast, I helped Nathan with his History homework. Then, before I’d finished my coffee, Nathan eagerly whisked me off to the living room to play Lego’s (so the coffee came with me *winks *). We played for a while, I made lunch, we played some more, mom and dad came home. I was then able to work out, eat lunch, and shower. Mom then gave me the run down of whose schoolwork needed to be checked and who still owed her what, before she and dad headed off again :D I wanted to go shut myself in my room, mess around on the computer, and get the grading/checking done, but Bethie so badly wanted to play Nancy Drew (PC games) with me, (and I had this blogpost poking around at my conscience *winks *) so I agreed to play with her. As she started to play, everyone decided they were hungry for dinner! :D So I finished potatoes (mamma started them!), heated up corn, and ‘sliced’ (read ripped) the meat off a rotisserie chicken mom and dad had brought home for us earlier. Bethie brought the computer up to the kitchen table where we continued our together time, as I went back and forth between watching her play, eating my dinner, supervising, and doing bits and pieces of kitchen cleaning in between. The winter Olympics came on, and as we watched them Hannah ironed clothes and I folded and delivered them, and Heidi did dishes during commercial breaks. Hannah made Puppy Chow and a (HUGE—I mean, seriously! She made them in cupcake tins!) Homemade Reese’s for me with my natural peanut butter for filling *smiles dreamily *. Nathan and Joseph played some battle game and watched the Olympics back and forth. It was fun. Not perfect—there were the sarcastic comments and sibling squabbles here and there—but overall it was a fun evening! When mom and dad came home, I settled down with those answer keys and homework notebooks and checked and corrected the kids’ work… … and then I was finished.
*Phew! *
A full, busy, productive, even fun day!
But I felt a tad bit weary!
I realized I hadn't really done much of what I had personally (selfishly?) hoped to accomplish today, (But, with such a good workout and long, hot shower, I really could not complain!:D) but it had still been a great, fulfilling day.
I also realized something about MOTHERHOOD. I had a head knowledge of it for some time, but today, I had a better heart knowledge of this fact: 
Mamma’s GIVE
They give A LOT
A lot of themselves,
A lot of their time,
A lot of their energy
Their focus
Every day
All. Day. Long.
And they don’t just GIVE.
Not “give up” as in “wimping out” –huh uh!!
(they can't do that, although surely there are moments when they want to LOL!)
No! They give up their goals, their to-do lists, their time, their lives
To invest love, learning, and life into their families!
It’s fulfilling and wonderful <3
But at the end of the day it leaves a woman weary!!!
So for all you young ladies reading this right now, I encourage you to take a minute, go find your mom, and give her a hug. Thank her for all she gives every day in a million tiny ways (and moms are so good at giving of themselves to make the lives of their husbands and children better, that often, we don’t even notice all the work she really does, because she does such a flawless job!) And if your mom’s not around to hug and thank right now, purpose to do so later!!!!!
And, sweet sister, if your desire is to be a mother some day should the Lord will it, it would be an awesome idea to begin preparing for this constant giving of oneself by “practicing” a little! See if there is anything you could do daily or even just weekly around the house to lighten your mom’s load or to lift up your brothers and sisters! It would be a blessing to all those involved! :D 
And while most mothers are great examples of “constant giving”, and while it is great to follow their examples and even prepare to set our own—bear in mind our greatest Example of living a Life of constant giving! :D

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." 
~~Philippians 2:3-4~~ (verses 5 through 7 could also be applied!)

 PS!! I need your help! What other verses that apply can you add? After/while reading this post, what Scriptures (about Jesus being our ultimate Example of giving) pop to mind? :D


  1. I LOVE this post! So, so good- Thank you so much for sharing it :) Moms are such a blessing and gift from the Lord! I am always reminding myself that I am serving the Lord when I am serving my family. Colossians 3:23-24 is a great passage. I am also reminded that "God loves a cheerful giver"- that convicts me so much! He wants us to cheerfully give to and serve our families- and we have the perfect training ground and the opportunity to practice- just like you said! Thank you again for this post- God certainly used it to encourage and convict me! Blessings to you, sweet sister <3

    1. ooo!! Colossians 3:23-24 is a GOOD one!!! Oh yes... and the Lord DOES love a cheerful giver... even if it's the giving of our attention to a brother going "Katie, Look! Look!" or giving of "our time" to play with our little sisters.
      And now that I think about it... technically, it's not "OUR time" anyway!!! IT'S ALL HIS TIME!!! We should use it for His glory!
      Thanx for the brainstorm there, Libby! And thank you SO much for your encouraging comment! <3 To God be the glory!!!

  2. I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog:


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