Book Review: Admirable

William returns home to find his family threatened with attack from a neighboring Earl. Will he be able to protect his sister and the rest of his family from this threat? Will he be able to trust God no matter what?
A prequel story for Adventures and Adversities.
(description according to Amazon)

What I Liked:
This story was short and sweet--very simple but with a good message and endearing characters. It was short enough that I was able to enjoyable read all 5 chapters on my lunch break. It was well-written and crafted in such a way, however, that I was drawn I to William and his sister's plight and want them to succeed. This story can certainly stand alone, but having fallen for Will and his sister by learning their backstories, it may be time for me to begin their full-fledged series ;)

What I Didn't Like:
That it was so short and all I got was a little taste of their story.
But that is what a short story is by definition.
I also had to keep reminding myself that the characters were so young, even though they were having to deal with what we would consider adult activities. However, I have not done my medieval research, so it could be 100% accurate and just a matter of me being unfamiliar with the time period.

Favorite Quote:
"Then he did the hardest thing that he had every done in his life, he let go of his sisters hand and let her walk alone."

Final Thoughts:
Short, sweet story that whet my appetite for the full series!!

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