
Lessons from a Disobedient Daughter

~Genesis 19: 30-38~

-         Read Genesis 19:30-38
-         Whew! Examples of disobedient daughterhood are all over this passage! *Now obviously, this family is way off kilter because of Lot’s lack of leadership in the home L I will add this as a disclaimer. It seems as though Lot’s daughter were responding to their father’s wicked and lustful example and lack of Godly vision. L So, although I enumerate and expound upon the disobedience of the daughters so I may learn from it, I acknowledge most of the reason they behaved thus is because of their father, Lot. And technically, although we all wish these eight or nine verses were not in the Bible (L) Lot was actually kind of reaping the consequences for bringing up his daughters in such a promiscuous environment!! This little detail cleared up, let us commence on what we as daughters can glean from this passage!! J
1.     As firstborn (or older sister—I happen to be both J) be a Godly example! Don’t use my special, God-given position as a means of leading my younger sisters (siblings) astray!!
-(verses 31, 32, &34) this elder sister had such a wonderful opportunity to be a Godly influence in her younger sisters life! (and actually in the life of her entire family, what was left of it; See Genesis 19:15-17, 24-26). She could’ve said, “Hey, dad’s old and we don’t have any kids. Seeing as God has just delivered us from such destruction, let’s pray and ask Him for some (kids) and trust that He’ll give them to us! Perhaps this way, we can even be a light and encouragement to our father as well!” –but no!! L Sadly, this oldest sister/firstborn of the two of them not only gave wicked counsel to her younger sister, but she also led the way and was a bad example with and by her actions!! L (see verse 33)
-nowhere do we see the younger sister verbally responding; she didn’t’ ask for this advice, but she did take it. (Random side note: our little sisters take much more stock in what we say than we may ever realize!!!)
Lesson #1: Part of my Biblical role as a sister is (unless it’s some dastard sin in need of reproof) not to give or force my opinion or advice on my younger sisters unless they ask for it! (Literally not figuratively J) because it could lead them astray and cause much more harm than it does good, even though we intend it in that way.

2.     Her/their priorities were out of whack. (Oh, this one’s gonna hurt!!L)
-Look at her/ their motivation behind this dishonorable and shameful action—(verses 31 & 32) They/she wanted a man and children. Ouch.
 Yes it was a social stigma not to have children in that time (as in the cases of Sarah and Rebekah—but in each of these instances, the woman trusted God to provide…and He did! Of course, they both already had the husband, and Lot’s daughters did not, but that just mean that Lot’s daughters had an even greater opportunity to prove God’s power!!L)
Lesson #2: Biblical lesson for daughters here is to keep our priorities straight and in line with the will of God.
“I’m God’s daughter and therefore His Princess and I’m privileged to be enlisted in His service as His warrior. I’m a daughter to my father and mother. I’m an older sister to my two younger brothers and three younger sisters. Those things I am. What I am not, however, are these: I am not a wife. I am not a mother. At present (and perhaps never!) this is not my Heavenly Father’s will for me.” 
As daughters we must not long to be something we’re not (wives and mothers) when God has so clearly given us the precious role of daughter and sister! We must be content! God’s chosen to entrust us with these roles!

3.     They did not trust (or even acknowledge!!L) God in their seemingly hopeless situation (just as their Aunt Sarah was in the exact process of doing at this very moment with a seemingly hopeless situation of her own) –
Okay—quick bunny trail. This intrigued me! Think how would could have this account ended had Sara reached out to them and done a little “Titus 2-ing” in the area of trusting God when all is humanly hopeless?! Sarah knew all about this! Just as there was no human way that Lot’s two daughters could have married and had children with the absolute lack of men—just as that was impossible—so was Sarah’s situation of waiting for the promised son Isaac when she was over forty years past the age of conceiving, let alone childbearing!! That’s humanly impossible! Yet… didn’t it happen!?!?!?? And during the time her nieces were acting upon a complete lack of faith, Sarah was strengthening hers by trusting in the Almighty God! She could have reached out to these young women. I wonder if perhaps she didn’t because she simply didn’t see the need? I don’t know, and perhaps I’m reading into this a bit, but this one threw me for a loop!
LORD, make me sensitive to the situation when it is Your will for me to speak up and act out Titus 2!!!”
AnyhooJBack to Lot’s disobedient daughters and what we as decided daughters can learn from them and their mistakes!!
They did not trust God to provide for their needs and desires. Now this is (again) largely Lot’s fault, for he most likely never taught them to cry out to God in times of need or to trust Him L but regardless!!
Lesson #3 This still teaches us as daughters the importance of taking my needs and requests before the LORD, giving them to Him, LEAVING them with Him, and then trusting Him to work things out according to His perfect will!!

~~Quick Recap~~
The Lessons for the Obedient, Decided Daughter from the Disobedient Daughters of Lot

1.     Do not give my advice unless it is asked for (within prayerful reason)
2.     Be content to be the best daughter and sister I can be (by God’s grace if this is the role He’s entrusted me with for now)
3.     Trust and rely on the LORD to answer my prayers and to bring me through what seems (to me) to be an impossible situation

Love in Christ, His Princess Warrior

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